Saturday, September 29, 2018

Prayers In The Night

Somewhere down the street, there is someone facing the reality of hurt. The issues have built up in their life like a tower of pain. The light that used to shine through the dark night now only seems to flicker. There is nobody else around. Thoughts are running through their head that only add to the weight of the struggle, and the only thing to do now is to fall. They feel their knees buckle in complete helplessness...Weak from the issues of life. Everything is happening in slow motion. They hear the voice of the enemy that says, "Fall...just fall." ..and so they do. They cry out and a voice whispers, "Here I am." They realize that they are not alone. The plans of the enemy were now used for the good, for now, on their knees, the victim is now a victor, and using their position as an opportunity to humbly pray and show reverence to the One who cares.After hours of prayer that turns to praise, the victor now stands to their feet and says,"I will not give up!" And now as they calmly return to their bed in relief, they do not notice the shadow of a child that has been listening to the whole dramatic conversation. The child smiles, picks up the ragged teddy bear from the floor and happily returns to their room with a smile and says, "I won't give up either. Thank you Jesus for listening. Goodnight;"

-taken from my post on Facebook September 29, 2017
-Gary Stuckey

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